Thanks for reading my Blog I hope some of my information has been helpful to you in your every day life. I have some personal information that I experienced and I thought I would pass it along to everyone. This is for everyone living in the St. Louis area and having the need for a Dermatologist. I had a mole located on my chest that had been there for many, many years. I was always told that if a growth like that ever changed in any way to have it looked at by a doctor. Well mine changed so I went to my General Practitioner. He said it wasn't cancerous but should be removed and referred me to a Dermatologist Dr. J.B.G. I use the term "doctor" very loosely. Not having ever been to a Dermatologist I really didn't know what to expect. The first visit was all information gathering with her nurses and SHE (the doctor) came in the room, spent about 8 minutes and kinda poked at the mole a couple times and took a picture of it. Now I would describe it (the mole) as about the size of a jelly bean, not the real jelly beans but those smaller ones sometimes called "birds eggs". So she scheduled a day for the procedure in her office there in the Physicians Office Bldg. on Dunn Rd. St. Louis Mo. Now not being a medical person I didn't think this was going to m be a big deal. You know 10 - 15 minutes snip, snip it's done ....right? NOPE, it took about an hour and 17 stitches!!!!
Take a look..............

OUCH. During the "procedure" SHE cut me in 3 diffrent spots that were not numbed and I thought I was gonna DIE!! Never did SHE apologize or give any indication that SHE was concerned about hurting me and didn't even acknowledged that SHE did hurt me. After it was over I was instructed not to put any kind of antibiotics cream or any dressing over it and was not prescribed antibiotics of any kind. I was told to just use Vaseline. To "CUT" the story short after the stitches were taken out 2 weeks later the spot looked really nasty, again SHE showed no concern at all. 2 weeks after the stitches were removed I went back for a check up and this is what it looked like then.
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