With the most powerful health promoting supplementswe have ever researched...
When we started writing this report years ago, work on energetically enhancing your body's ability to fight cancer and improve health was in its infancy. As a consequence, fighting cancer energetically seemed something useful to do, but not vital. It made sense. Quantum physics had proved that everything was essentially energy so why not deal with the basics. So visionary health providers were talking about how in the future energetic medicine would be the strongest form of healing. Now this vision is coming true.
So now, with the development and release of some incredibly powerful energetic elixirs in May and June of 2008, the lack of emphasis in this report on the value of energetically fighting cancer has changed. The energy Elixirs we are going to tell you about here are proving to be by far the most powerful healing supplements and cancer fighters we have found. This is a pretty outrageous statement. We make it because when we check out the healing power energetically of very good supplements, they are, if among the best, in the range of 90 to 100. Most supplements are much less. However, when we check these very special Elixirs, the results are amazingly higher. They come in at just over 4 million for the Love Elixir and in the range of 4,000,000 to 300,000 for the others.
In December of 2008 3 new elixirs were released that have exponentially higher healing power, in the range of 24 million to 34 million in healing power. They will speed up the healing process and increase the number of seriously ill people who may be able to survive.
The healing force and life energy they supply to the body is most important for people with end stage cancers. That's because the energy in these elixirs is so powerful and works in such a profound manner, taking these elixirs may be enough to keep someone alive long enough for them to literally beat cancer. They supply a hugh amount of life force energies to the body and support all aspects of health - physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.
The principle they work on is simple. Research has shown that water captures energetic vibrations that it has been exposed to, with the water molecules being effected by the vibrations and vibrating at that frequency itself. When you take a little of this water, such as in these energy elixirs, the fluid in your body picks up this vibration and respond to it. It essentially delivers a message to your cells. Depending on the vibrations being delivered, the cells will be stimulated and influenced to respond in a variety of ways. This is essentially what homeopathy does. The difference lies in how the elixirs are energized and in the fact that the energies use have great ability to stimulate healing in the body.
Before vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, before tissue pH, before any molecular component can play a role in facilitating human health, your cells are reliant on electricity. The human body generates 3 volts of electricity. This energy is used by the brain to send signals, by the heart to respond to stimuli, and is used by every cell to communicate with each other in order to facilitate cellular changes. A drop in electrical activity is most noticeable in terminal patients that are "wasting away". These Energy Elixirs enhance and energize your body's electrical activity with the special energetic frequencies that they give to your body when you take them.
Besides the impressive energy readings these elixirs have, they give another remarkable energetic reading. Previously when we had checked energetically on the likelihood of success when using any of the suggested early stage protocols you may have seen on this website, the likelihood of success was always as close to 100% as you can get. The more products you used, the faster the results, but even the minimum suggested amount would always work if used. However the story was different for the advanced (Stage 4) or end stage protocols. Using the minimum suggested products with these consistently produced a likelihood of success of 30 to 40%. Meaning the healthiest people with stage 4 cancer would likely recover, but that others needed to do more to survive. Using a midrange number of products gave a likelihood of success of around 60% and using all the products in the protocol found on this website, used in the suggested amounts, gave an 85% to 95% likelihood of success.
This changed when the Elixirs were added to the protocols. When we checked for the likelihood of success when using the minimum suggested amounts of product in the quantities given, which would include all 13 Elixirs in an advanced stage protocol, the likelihood of success shot up to 99%. A pretty amazing reading.
Feedback on these Elixirs has been excellent. One woman with throat cancer reported noticing improvement in tumor size in less than a week. Improvement in liver and kidney function has been noted quickly. Several people who were doing poorly reported having more energy and feeling better, again within a week or so. It may take as long as 3 weeks to notice improvement is you are healthy and thus wouldn't have as noticeable a change.
Below are the Energetic Elixirs listed in order of their healing power. We divide them up into the top 4 elixirs and all 13 elixirs. You could use the Top 4 Elixirs only for an early stage cancer and all 13 Elixirs would be best for an advanced cancer. While they all work in slightly different ways - providing different healing energies - to stimulate healing in your body, the top Elixirs are top because they have the highest healing powers when we check them out energetically. COme back next week and we will talk about the 4 ELIXIRS available. In the mean time please visit my web site to shop the NATURAL REMIDIES from NATIVE REMIDIES http://www.MJLMegaMeds.com
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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